
5 Places to Play Indoors in the Downriver Area

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By Laura Craver February 27, 2018

One of the questions I see most in our local mom forums is, "Where can I take my kids to play today?" We have lots of fun places to spend time together indoors. You just have to know where to look! Check out these options and find your family fun this week:

1. Open Gym

Both Mills Gymnastics and Downriver Gymnastics have weekly open gym times. If your kids are little, opt for the Toddler time. It's only $5 at Mills and $10 at Downriver gymnastics. Your kiddos will rule the gym for an hour, without having to worry about getting in the way of older gymnasts. If your kids are five or older, they'll have fun running, jumping, swinging and climbing with the big kids during regular open gym time. For open gym times, check out our family calendar.

2. Skating

There are tons of options for skating in the Downriver area. Ice skating reigns, but there are also plenty of opportunities to roller skate or inline skate. Pay as little as $0.25 for admission, plus the cost of skate rental. Lincoln Park skating center even offers specialized skates for toddlers. Most places also offer "walkers" for younger skaters. Check out these options: Southgate Arena, Allen Park Civic Arena, Brownstown Sports Center, Kennedy Ice Arena, Taylor Sportsplex, Lincoln Park Skating Center, and Skateland of Woodhaven.

3. Playscapes

Indoor play places feature slides, tunnels, climbing towers and more to keep your kids active and happily occupied for hours at a time. Try the free playscape at Metro City Church in Riverview and plan to stay for lunch. Their cafe offers kids meals for as little as $1.50. Another option is Funtastic Play Center, a play cafe that features climbing shapes and a padded obstacle course. Pay $4 for crawling tots and $8 for walking kiddos. Got twins? Bring them in on Tuesdays for BOGO free admission. Also, keep your eye out for a NEW indoor playscape coming soon to woodhaven: Rev'd up Playcenter. 

4. Swimming

Need a touch of summer fun to warm you up this week? Try swimming at one of our indoor recreation centers. Zero-depth entries allow your littlest ones to splash and play safely. Older kids can enjoy fountains and water slides at both Downriver YMCA and Romulus Recreation Center.

5. The Mall

Out of ideas? Try spending some time at the mall. It might sound anticlimactic, but we love the change of scenery and the wide open spaces. My kiddos walk, run, people watch, and share a smoothie. Then they're ready for a nap! They burn off some energy and we all benefit from the time out and about. Plus, it's free...or cheap, if you decide to share a snack.

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